The conversation came up this morning in our Bible study, the Westboro Baptist Church's(WBC) victory in the Supreme Court. I doubt it comes as a shock to many that the victory was won, after all the media did a pretty good job covering the fact that Fred Phelps pastor of WBC were always sure to check their laws and determine how close to the funeral procession they could be. As it turns out many of the victims of the 'picketing' never saw WBC during the funeral, it wasn't until later afterwards on the news that they would get a glimpse of the horror of their pickets. As much as I would like to punch he and his family in the nose or at least give a good knife chop to the neck. How should a Christian respond to this nonsense? First I wish we could mandate a name change. I hate being associated with these nut-jobs being a church let alone Baptist. Second, of all people I'm sympathetic with their message at least what I see on the signs, Yes God does hate, I know, its shocking, but it is biblical, (Ps. 5:5, Lev 20:23, Prov. 6:16-19, Hos. 9:15). Now is this where we say oh yeah, but that's OT, and in the NT its all about love, don't you remember John 3:16...Why yes I do remember John 3:16 but I also remember verses 17,18, & 19 also. God does love the world in such a way that he sent Jesus into the world so the world wold not be condemned, but saved. But the verses go on to say that Jesus didn't come to condemn...(don't check out on me now, this is important) the world. I know your still saying yeah see he's not about condemning now, he's about loving, but continue on still and you see why Jesus didn't have to condemn the world is because the world is already condemned, and unless the world comes to Jesus the wrath of God's condemnation will rest on them.(John 3:16-19) So the expression of God's hatred toward not only the sin, but also the sinner is manifest in them bearing their just due which is the full wrath of God. So now your mad right, and wondering when you'll see me on the 5 o'clock news with my own sign? You needn't worry, because, the problem with the Freddy and family or better known as WBC is a common problem, we need to be careful to look inward, before we look outward. After examining my own heart and tearing down the idols there then we can begin to help others turn to Jesus. How we look is as important as what we are looking for, and the error of WBC is that they are looking in all the wrong places, I think I understand them to say that the death of a soldier is God's judgment on America for allowing homosexuals to be married, serve in the military, and ultimately be alive. The problem is that of all the abuses of scripture that are possible and often attempted, this is one that has a clear cut refutation by Jesus, in NT. (Note to future heretics-if you plan on coming up with something very controversial at least read enough scripture to see that your foolish plan has already been debunked by THE MAN himself, Jesus) He was asked point-blank was this group more guilty, and Jesus response was no, but unless you repent you will likewise perish. [13:1] There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. [2] And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? [3] No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. [4] Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? [5] No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”
(Luke 13:1-5 ESV)
So for Jesus to come out and say, the point isn't that we look at others and say oh those poor pitiful creatures, they are going to hell in a hand basket, but rather to look inward at our own hearts, and realize while it may not be manifested in the same way as outward open sins of homosexuals, I still have sin, that I ultimately put before God. Lust, pride, anger, selfishness, greed are all serious sins, that often go unchecked or maybe even unnoticed to those around us, but the Holy God of the universe is not so easily duped. He knows our hearts and he knows our sin, and rather traveling all over the united states with carefully crafted signs warning of his judgment and hatred, he would be better served by us taking time to do a little picketing in our own hearts. As your mouth spouts off some harsh words at someone you've disagreed with, where are the protesters to warn you of the coming judgment? "Oh who will deliver me from this body of death", Paul asked, as he expressed his inward desire to not sin yet finds himself sinning anyways, and the answer of all answers comes back as clear as the sun, thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!" Oh that I would love Jesus more than my sin, and oh that Fred would look to Jesus who will not only save the homosexuals from their lifestyle, but also Fred from himself as well.
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